January 22nd marks the first film date for the Credit and Grand River Bioregional Community films documenting cultures of care with walking ceremonies, paddles, songs, stories, spirit, our good work and ways. Honouring 1st Nation Lifeways, Headwaters Communities and Bioregional Regeneration.
Our Bioregion, including the Grand and Credit River Watersheds are fed by precious Headwaters that filter 21% of our worlds fresh water. With this great responsibility, let’s connect, create and collaborate.
A screening of ‘Water is Love’: Follow a group of young people grappling with climate crisis and their inspiring stories of regenerative ecosystem design. It touches upon traditional ecological knowledge: How water makes climate, and the importance of restoring complete water cycles.
Jenn Begin introduces Anishinaabe teachings through her 13 Moons of Creation Journal and Calendar. Practice these teachings in daily life, connect with the seasons and moon cycle this year and weave life ways with Grandmother moon. Jenn is a sister in Grandmother’s Voice, an Indigenous women-led organization bringing Indigenous ways of knowing and being into our many systems including health care and education. Jody Harbour, cofounder of Grandmother’s Voice will share the work being done and opportunities to learn from Indigenous Voices.
Welcome Ellie Joseph and Bonnie Freeman from Six Nations, in Two Row, with settler allies Jay Bailey and Trish Van Katwyk, as they share their book, journey and invitation to the Two Row Paddle on the Grand.
A short film about our Sister Bioregion in Barichara Columbia, where Joe Brewer and Penny Heiple blend education of children with landscape and river restoration.
Waterloom Bioregional films share ways Barichara and our local Bioregion weave advocacy, stewardship, healing, restoration, respect and love for water and next generations.
Insights from Brian Puppa and Susan Bosak are found at https://legacyproject.org/
Their work illustrates how social and ecological regeneration is possible in our Bioregion and follows the legacy of David Crombie’s 1992 Regeneration report.
Join Mary Anne Caibaiosai, lead Waterwalker, Bear Clan Anishnaabe Kwe. Hear about upcoming Credit and Grand River Anishnaabe Waterwalking Ceremonies.
Meet special guest, Turtle!
Visit booths, win door prizes, weave, shop, snack, share, receive, connect, create, hydrate and celebrate your piece of the peace as we follow fun!
This begins the Waterloom invitation!!
Bring family, friends, and neighbours!
Co-create community collaboration as we honour water sovereignty.
Questions about this gathering?
Contact Bree at