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CSA Pick-up & Pre-order Pick-up at the Farmers’ Market

Available on Thursdays May through October from 4:00PM to 7:00PM, the Guelph Farmers’ Market offers a perfect space for your CSA, farm-share or pre-order product pick-up.

Your customers will love picking-up on at this hub of local food and farming in Downtown Guelph.

The Farmers’ Market is surrounded by parking on nearby side streets, the Market Parkade on Wilson St. and the back parking lot as space permits. The Market also has bike racks, wifi, washrooms and water fill-up available for vendors and customers.

CSA Pick-up

With ample space, farmers can offer market-style or pre-packed shares for small groups of under 25 members or up to larger groups of over 100 members.


  • CSA/Farm share Pick-ups must be booked in advance.
  • Market Staff are on site but not responsible for the logistics of managing a CSA or Farm Share pick-up in this arrangement.
  • Pick-ups can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or a schedule arranged with Market Staff.
  • The Farmers’ Market can provide: folding tables and chairs, dollies and transport carts and the option of indoor or outdoor space.
  • Market staff will support promotions through social media and a monthly newsletter during CSA/farm-share member recruitment.

CSA Pick-up Pricing

Number of MembersApprox. Number of TablesPrice per Week
=/< 251$25.00
26 – 602$35.00
61 – 1004$60.00

Pre-Order Product Pick-up

Food vendors may opt to have Market Staff manage a pre-order pick-up. Vendors would manage order logistics and drop off pre-packed and labeled packages for Market Staff to distribute.


  • This opportunity is available to food vendors only.
  • All Farmers’ Market rules and guidelines apply including Public Health approval before sales.
  • Fully-paid, pre-packed and labelled (with customer name) orders should be dropped off to the market by 3:00PM on Thursday with accompanying order list.
  • Products are limited to those that may be stored at room or refrigerator temperature. At this time, we do not have freezing capacity on site.
  • All payments are made directly with vendor.
  • Market staff will be on site to distribute pre-ordered products.
  • We are not able to accommodate more than 50 orders from an individual vendor.
  • Market staff will offer promotional support through social media and a monthly newsletter directing the public to pre-order offerings.


Number of OrdersPrice per Week
< 5$10.00
5 – 25$35.00
26 – 50$55.00

Get Started

Let us know you’re interested in one of these options by emailing market@10carden.ca.