Community Wealth Building (CWB) is an effective community-focused approach to local economic development. It is about finding pathways to decent work and reimagining our current approaches to strengthen and benefit local communities!
Join us on November 16 to find out more about a growing local movement of community wealth builders in Guelph and Wellington County. This event will include context setting from 10C and the GW Task Force for Poverty Elimination, and a panel moderated by Dr. Audrey Jamal, Assistant Dean, Partnerships/Societal Impact and Assistant Professor, Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph
This event is for anyone who has an interest and/or capacity to be involved in developing new approaches for community wealth building in Guelph, Wellington and the surrounding region. This may include those involved in local government, economic development, community groups, housing, healthcare, education, employment, procurement, business, social enterprise and finance.