Starts: Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Ends: Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Location: 10C Shared Space
Price: $95

Take a deep dive into the chemistry, physics and art of making fresh pasta, old-world style with expert pasta maker and organic farmer Steve D’Alimonte from Piccolo Farm Organics.

Participants will walk through the basics of types of fresh pasta and the best ingredients for the tastiest results, then will create their own fresh pasta from scratch using the same methods Nonna used. After mixing, rolling and cutting, participants will try their hands at cooking and then marrying noodles with different sauces. The group will have the opportunity to practice and experiment together with the guidance and encouragement of instructor Steve.

Participants will enjoy the fruits of their labour together, and have all the skills they need to recreate this experience for family and friends at home! Grab a friend and learn how to create a delicious pasta meal in the beautiful Nourish kitchen. 

All equipment, food and supplies are provided.

Piccolo Farm Organics (PFO) is owned and operated by Steve D’Alimonte & Lisa Lopez in the backyard of their property in Guelph — the traditional land of the Mississauga, Attiwonderonk, Anishinabe and Haudenosaunee Peoples. Their mission is to grow healthy and flavourful Italian varieties of vegetables, or vegetables commonly used in Italian cuisine, using no-till and regenerative farming methods and provide them directly from farm(er) to customer. They sell their produce and prepared sauces and pasta at various farmers’ markets and to restaurants in the region.

A similar workshop on the evening of February 14 is also open for registration here.

Slide scale tickets: We do have a limited number of sliding scale tickets available for all Nourish Kitchen events, if the cost is a barrier please contact

Register on Eventbrite