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It’s a Little Slice of Olive Haven!

Posted on: November 16, 2023

Products: Traditional Middle Eastern Dips

Where can you find them at GFM: Saturdays at the Market (year-round) 

Customers’ most loved products: Hummus

Connect: @olive_haven_ca, 226-977-4385

Olive Haven is a local business making authentic Middle Eastern dips. The owner, Hiba Sadi, wanted to fuse her culture with her love of healthy food. 

“Our vision when we started Olive Haven was to introduce Canadians to Palestinian culture through authentic and healthy food.” 

-Hiba Sadi, Owner of Olive Haven

Each week, Hiba crafts her product in a certified kitchen located within a local church. Ensuring high quality and nutritious products is a priority for Hiba. 

Customers really appreciate the authentic flavours of Olive Haven’s dips, especially the hummus. 

Since 2022, Olive Haven has been a vendor at the Guelph Farmers’ Market. For Hiba, the market supports a strong sense of community and helps her foster relationships with staff members, vendors, and customers! 

“I love that the market gives me a chance to share my Palestinian culture with the community”

-Hiba Sadi, Owner of Olive Haven

The Guelph Farmers’ Market has a big impact on the community. Through new connections and friendships, residents are able to continuously support local businesses. 

“The Guelph Farmers’ Market is the backbone to our beautiful community.”

-Hiba Sadi, Owner of Olive Haven