Meet Changemaker: Caleb
Meet 10C Changemaker Caleb Sanders.
As a youth changemaker, Caleb has found opportunities to work with a number of local changemaking organizations!
He first worked at The SEED before taking an interest in 10C member Kuwait Aid Network (KAN). Caleb knew that diversifying his not-for-profit experience would be valuable and eye-opening. He was eager to learn new skills, especially those relevant for online businesses.
Caleb now works for KAN full time and moved to an office at 10C with the organization this year. Always looking for ways to get involved, he began volunteering with 10C as a host.
The future is bright for Caleb and he’s spending some time trying to figure out what’s next! He firmly believes that any positive change in the world requires collective action from individuals with a common goal. Although there is not one current social issue he wants to focus on, he knows connecting with his local community will be essential in order to make change. One direction he is interesting in pursuing is mental health support for people with chronic illness; a relatable cause that Caleb cares deeply about.