Super Foodies a Success!
It’s official: Super Foodies is a hit!
Super Foodies is a 6-week course for kids ages 8-12 designed to empower kids in the kitchen, expand their foodie horizons and teach them where their food comes from and where it goes, incorporating ideas of circularity and sustainability.
Kids and parents all agree, the program very much sparked curiosity about food and cooking and was an amazing blend of learning and fun.
What we heard from parents:
“My kid came home each time saying that she learned a lot and had fun. She is actually trying new foods at home once again! Yay!”
“It’s an amazing program, so inspiring for kids to find a new skill and to feel a part of a community of friends who love food.”
“Our kid was so proud of his new skills and creations. He talked more about food and tried more foods than ever before.”
What we heard from the Super Foodies themselves:
“I learned how to dice!”
“I think of my food when I eat it.”
“I learned to use a knife!”
What we heard from our chefs:
“The excitement and enthusiasm from the kids week after week with all things culinary was exciting and a true joy to see the happiness in the learning of life changing skills they developed through the program”
If you would like to support this program or know a local business or group who would like to, email