You Know the Place: 10C’s Annual Juried Art Show
May 1-30
Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM
Reception: May 23 5:30PM-8:00PM
You know the place. It’s by the water, and the big tree at the back, across from that restaurant you love and in the field you love to hike. That place holds memories, from Saturday morning cartoons, that one night out with your friends and the drive home with your mom. That place holds feelings, feelings of loss, joy and abundance. You know the place and in many ways the place knows you.
You Know the Place is 10C’s first annual Juried Art show featuring 15 local artists who submitted their art in response to the theme of place. Place: an important element of 10C, art has always played an important role in our placemaking efforts here at 42 Carden Street and now we have art about place to compliment this space.
Featured Artists
Ridham Baraiya
Jennifer Storey